

My name is Mara de Luca Funke (that’s FUNKY) and I offer research-focused consultative services that will bring your organizational plans into the future. I launched Intersectional Inquiry to bring the excitement of multi-dimensional data interpretation to growing organizations. I use an equity-focused lens to shine the light on the meeting points between data and people.

I live in the Phoenix Valley and have been here since 2007 when I finished my degree. I chose Phoenix because I love the outdoors, the sunshine, I speak Spanish. 

When I’m not working, I spend my time hiking, cooking, and doing yoga. I’m a frequent volunteer in Jewish and queer spaces, as well as representing parents of twice exceptional children – kids who are gifted and also face learning challenges. 

Half my family lives in Italy, so when I can, I travel. I grew up in Michigan (GO GREEN) and have very strong roots there as well.

Get to know me some more by scheduling a 15-minute inquiry. I believe that personality is the most important factor in creating organizational plans that actually move. Let’s find out if we’re a good fit. 

“Mara brought skills in Public Health that enhanced our Business and Program Expansion plans. Her writing was impactful with her use of data and research. I recommend Mara to any business. She brings your plans to life.” 
Gary Brennan, LFACHE
CEO (Retired), Quality Care Network